About Us

Our story from the perspective of János

In the last 20 years I had the chance to travel a lot. I visited many places mainly in Europe, Asia and Australia, and stayed at many apartments, guesthouses, and hostels. It was during this time that I had the dream of eventually settling down and hosting guests from around the world in my very own property in Budapest, Hungary.

In 2011 I met a nice girl and we started dating. I mentioned to her my dream that I had been thinking of for more than a decade. She liked me and my dream as well :). There was one time, a few hours before our next date, that an estate agent called me - there was a run down apartment at a great location right in the very heart of Budapest that I should take a look at. It could be renovated and then sold for a good price.

I asked the girl to join me for this strange date and surprise! She was flexible enough to say yes to this unusual occasion.

Luckily for me, she fell in love with that run down flat and I bought it, renovated and furbished it as my first apartment for rent. The renovation took over a year as I did almost everything on my own during the weekends. It turned out that it was not just the flat that she fell in love with:) We married and have now two cute daughters and a son and 5 apartments that we run.

Our family